Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Holy Fucking Totebagger, Batman!

If Leonard Lopate drops his caramel latté from Starbucks in the woods, does it make a sound?


At March 3, 2005 at 12:01 AM, Blogger Andrew Purvis said...

As if the original weren't bad enough. Now there is the chance that people involved in the rewriting or performance of that torture, and if not, almost certainly in the audience, will be at my 20-year reunion in 2007.

Then again, that may be just the thing to keep any such people away.

At March 4, 2005 at 6:28 PM, Blogger kender said...

Ah Gods Teeth...I love parody them....and thi is making me laugh hard....thanks for that link.....does THIS make me a totebagger?

At March 4, 2005 at 6:31 PM, Blogger kender said...

BTW, I am not laughing at the words, as parody wise this song is not that good.....I am laughing at the fact that someone took the time to do this.

At March 5, 2005 at 8:57 AM, Blogger Lillet Langtry said...

This song was actually performed at a Starbucks Leadership conference -- th efull, harrowing report can be read at:

Scroll down a tiny bit to "FEbruary 24."

So no you still don't have TB, Kender. But this thing? Starbucks+Leadership Conference+ Middle Management+ Starship = TOTEBAGGERY!!!

At March 5, 2005 at 3:46 PM, Blogger kender said...

First a quick linnk for you guys, a referring blog form my sitemeter, (don'tyou love that thing?)

I don't knwo enough about wines to know if it is a good link, and it is more of an ad, but there it is.

Now, I have been to corporate functions with my wife, and I hate, no hate isn't strong enough, well, whatever word is strong enough that is hwo I feel about the stupidity in the corporate world when it comes to the antics they pull, liek this song.

I am certain that the corporate world is full of people with big showbiz dreams and NO TALENT, as evedenced by this song and some badly made corporate movies I have had to sit through.

At March 16, 2005 at 11:58 AM, Blogger Strayer said...

Lillit, you said to e-mail about your sister. And again lost your e-mail address. Here's mine: I'm middle aged and forgetful and I don't care. Sorry I lost your e-mail address, however. Can you send it to me?

At March 16, 2005 at 11:58 AM, Blogger Strayer said...

Lillit, you said to e-mail about your sister. And again lost your e-mail address. Here's mine: I'm middle aged and forgetful and I don't care. Sorry I lost your e-mail address, however. Can you send it to me?


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